Snow skiing is one of the few sports you can enjoy
for a lifetime. If you can walk you can ski. This makes it a rare
family sport that can be shared across generations including
grandchildren and grand parents, all out on a winter day enyoying the
beauty of a ski slope together.
However, many people who venture out to a ski slope
to learn to ski for the first time have a bad experience. Without the
benefit of proper planning and instruction, they find themselves fearful
of skiing too fast, falling a lot, getting wet and generally having a
bad time. The result, they make a decision that skiing is no fun and
give up on learning a sport that could have provided a lifetime of fun
for them, for their children and their children's children.
Those who have learned to ski safely and for fun come
to the opposite conclusion. They find the thrill of skiing fast down a
ski slope with friends to be a very special experience that often
results in skiing becoming their primary source of entertainment,
excercise and enjoyment during the winter months.
The book "Learn to Ski for Fun" was written with the
beginning skier in mind. It is the hope of the author to help people
who have an interest in learning how to ski understand the importance of
planning, quality ski instruction, safety in learning to ski, and most
importantly, making sure that the learning process is fun.
If the beginning skier approaches skiing with the
idea that it will be fun, they make sure they have the right clothing to
protect from the cold, the proper equipment to ensure they are not
risking harm or discomfort, and they will get proper instruction to
learn how to stop, turn and ski under control so they will not fall and
get injured.
Enjoy reading the book, and even more -- enjoy a
lifetime of skiing. It is fun!
Dr. John T. Whiting, Author